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- Donald Piazza
Wooden Ships Page 2
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“ADAM! Turn down your music, and what on earth did you do to your room?” his mother said with an extreme shocked tone in her voice.
All proud of what he had done, he said, “I decorated it. I was tired of it looking like a twelve-year-old boy’s room.” To Adam it was a masterpiece; however, his parents were less than pleased.
“I cannot wait until you move out so I can paint the room a normal color again!” His father just shrugged his shoulders and walked away, but Adam laughed.
Adam and his best friend Scott always hung-out on weekends. They always made a point to go out and have fun with their friends.
Although they were both popular with the girls, neither one had a steady girlfriend. They were still growing up and didn’t have the confidence yet, but it didn’t stop them from talking about them.
One evening after Adam finished his homework, he and Scott were talking on the phone, planning their fun-filled weekend as always. “Did you see that new girl during lunch period?”
“Yeah, she was cute, I think she’s a sophomore” replied Scott. “Hey will your parents let you use their car this weekend? I used my parent’s car the last two weekends and I think they might say something if I ask them again.” said Adam.
“Yeah, I’m pretty sure they will.”
“Jim’s parents are going out of town for the weekend, so he’s having a party,” said Adam. Jim was a good friend of theirs.
“That’ll be crazy,” said Scott.
“Yeah, I hope he invites some girls, it’s not that fun when there’s no one but guys there.”
From the next room Adam heard his mother call him, “Adam!”
“Hang on Scott, my mother is calling me... Yes!”
“Did you finish your homework?” “Yes!”
“Your father and I are going to bed; please don’t stay up to late, you have school tomorrow.”
“I won’t Mom, goodnight.”
Looking at the clock Adam could see it was almost 10 PM. “Hey Scott, it’s late; I should get to bed.”
“Yeah, I need to get off the phone too, I’ll see you tomorrow,” replied Scott.
The weekend came and Adam and Scott went to Jim’s house for the party of the century. When they arrived, there were about 50 people already there. It looked like it was going to be a blast; they noticed there were girls everywhere. “Scott, this looks like it’s going to be a very interesting party.”
“Yes indeed, it sure does.” They immediately ran into Jim. “Hey Jim, where’s the beer,” asked Scott. “Out back, there’s a keg.” “Can you introduce us to some of these ladies,” asked Adam. “By all means, follow me gentlemen...”
Adam and Scott shyly followed Jim up to a couple of girls standing together. They looked like they could be a year or two older, and obviously a little more experienced than Adam and Scott. They wore tight blue jeans and low cut blouses; there were rings on almost every one of their fingers and bracelets on both wrists. Both were very pretty with blue eyes, light brown shoulder length hair, and they both looked slightly intoxicated.
“Hey there ladies, I’d like to introduce you to a couple of my best friends. This here is Adam and this is Scott.” They both smiled and said, “Hi Adam and Scott. I’m Laura and this is Mary.”
Being very inexperienced with girls and nervous, Adam didn’t know what to say except, “Hi!” However, Scott seemed a little more confident about how to handle the situation, “Can we get you two ladies a cold beer?”
They both giggled and said, “I thought you’d never ask.” The girls followed Adam and Scott out back where the beer keg was located.
As the evening progressed and more beer consumed, Adam and Scott settled into crazy conversations with the girls. The two girls kept whispering in each other’s ear and giggling, and then one of them asked them, “Have you two ever dropped LSD?”
Adam and Scott both stared with their mouths slightly opened. They didn’t know how to respond, both were very inexperienced and hardly drank beer, but not wanting the girls to think they were still children, they reluctantly said, “No, but we are dying to try it.”
“Follow us...” Adam and Scott followed the two girls to the bathroom and closed the door behind them. One of them opened her purse and produced a small folded piece of foil, she carefully unwrapped it. They all stood staring at what looked like three tiny orange colored pills; they were about the size of a split pea. She took one and roughly broke it into four smaller pieces. She then licked her finger and touched one of the pieces, placed it on her tongue and swallowed it. With a big smile on her face, she said, “Your turn.” They all did the same thing, before Adam and Scott knew it, they had just dropped LSD for the first time - there was no turning back now. The girls began to explain what they should expect from this LSD experience, however, Adam kept wondering to himself if this was a good thing to do.
The girls suggested they all leave, go to their apartment and trip out in private. Seeing that the party was quickly getting out of hand, both Scott and Adam could not have agreed more. Leaving the party was the last thing Adam remembered with any semblance of reality.
When they got to the apartment Adam was starting to hallucinate, his hearing started first. Everything he heard sounded like it was in slow motion and when he tried to focus on something, it would begin to melt before his eyes. At first, Adam resisted the effects of the LSD and the feeling of losing touch with reality, but with a little encouragement from Mary, he began to go with the flow... and learned to enjoy the effects, which were hard to describe. Adam found himself staring at his hands, wondering where they came from, and every time he waved them back and forth, they would leave beautiful trails of blue and red sparkles, that slowly evaporated before his eyes like smoke. Being amused with the trails his hands made, he continued waving them back and forth and in the distance he heard the sound of water dripping, the sound reverberated like an echo chamber. Each dripping sound made brightly colored flashes illuminate the room, and then slowly dissolve until Adam could recognize objects again. Each flash was a different color so vibrant that he could almost taste it – as least that’s what Adam thought he could do. He later realized it was just the blood pumping through his brain.
Adam found himself lying on the floor and when he looked up, he saw Mary wearing only a bra and panties standing over him, dancing. The perspective from his point-of-view made her look over 10 feet tall and all distorted. When she moved her arms, they seem to stretch out then spring back like a rubber band. Adam lay there watching this spectacle, being very amused. The sound of the music was finally something he recognized and sort of brought him back, or close to reality. The whole scene was so absurd that Adam broke out into an uncontrollable laughter.
Sitting up he looked around the room and saw some of the most beautiful black light posters that projected illuminated colors and shapes that stretched out in all directions. Adam looked over and saw Scott sitting on a couch with Laura laughing; it looked as if they were staring at a lava lamp that was slowly erupting on the coffee table, but he was not sure. Mary continued dancing by herself to the music. Again, Adam could not stop laughing, and then he heard Scott say, “Adam, are you having fun?” He slowly turned and looked at Scott and said, “I think so...” Adam stood up and looked down at his feet, he felt 10 feet tall and his arms seem to touch the ground. He marched in place and the rug under his feet felt like thick foam rubber. “Boing, boing, boing,” was the sound Adam heard as he marched in place and laughed. He looked around, carefully studying everything in the room. Objects looked like thin cardboard cutouts with strange, out of proportion angles.
In the corner of the room, Adam saw two mannequin heads with only slight indentations of where the eyes and mouth would be. They were very polished-looking, reflecting everything in the room. Adam saw strange characters flash on their faces and thought, “This is cool.” They seemed to be floating in mi
dair. He turned to Mary and asked, “Are those heads floating?” Mary was in her own little world and did not respond. However, when he looked back they had vanished, and realized he must have been hallucinating. “Wow, that was pretty trippy...”
Hidden in their invisible bubble were E-1 and E-2.
“Adam could visualize us,” thought E-2.
“Adam’s mind is in an altered state” E-1 instantly adjusted the energy level of the bubble. “He will not remember seeing us,” thought E-1.
Adam took a moment to get a hold of himself, just to remember that this was all the effects of LSD and not real. Looking at his watch, Adam suddenly realized it was very early in the morning. “Scott, I hate to tell you this but it’s almost 3:30 AM.” Scott was shocked. They were having such a good time they didn’t want it to end, but their parents would be very angry if they never made it home. ...
By the grace of God, they both made it home without any incidents. Both Adam and Scott were laughing about their LSD experience when they pulled up in front of Adam’s house; he looked at Scott and said, “Wow, this was one crazy night.”
“Yes it was!”
“I am so tired. I’ll give you a call tomorrow.”
He quietly tipped-toed into his house and found his way to his bedroom and silently closed his bedroom door, then collapsed on his bed. Lying there, he continued to hallucinate, but could tell they were much less intense. He kept thinking about the two crazy girls they met and kept silently laughing about tripping on LSD. Slowly he fell asleep. ...
The next day was Sunday, and if it wasn’t for his mother he probably would have slept all day, but she finally woke him up at two in the afternoon.
“Adam, what time did you get in last night?” his mother asked.
Looking at his mother with a guilty grin, Adam said, “It wasn’t too late.”
She had a way of looking at Adam and you knew what she was thinking, “Please don’t make a habit of staying out so late again...” However, what she was really saying was, “...do this again and you will be grounded for life...”
Later that evening after dinner, Adam needed to finish some homework for school the next day. After he finished he called Scott to recap their crazy evening last night.
“Wow, what an interesting night,” said Adam.
“Yeah, you looked like you were having fun. I looked at you and you were marching in place like a little kid laughing hysterically,” said Scott.
“What made me almost wet my pants laughing was when Mary took her clothes off except for her bra and underwear and was doing some weird dance by herself,” said Adam.
“Yeah that was pretty funny, he laughed, but you have to admit she looked pretty good, didn’t she?”
“Yes she did. She gave me her number, maybe I’ll call sometime...,” said Adam.
After talking to Scott, Adam realized he was too wound-up to go straight to bed so he decided to listen to some music hoping this would help him unwind. Sitting on the floor in front of his stereo Adam flipped though his record collection trying to decide what he would like to listen to, he had many favorite albums, however, classical music would definitely help him fall asleep; he plugged in his headphones, lay down on his bed, and listened, after awhile he began to relax. When the music finished playing Adam slipped his headphones off and dropped them on the floor. He hated falling asleep with his headphones on, because his ears would hurt the next day from the bulkiness pressing against his head. He was going to turn off his bedroom lights, but being so tired he never did and fell into a deep sleep.
After a few minutes, there appeared a shimmering outline of two Entities at one end of his bedroom. The shimmering looked similar to heat waves coming off a hot desert. Adam often saw shimmers in his peripheral vision, but when he turned to look, there was never anything there.
These Entities had been monitoring Adam since he was a child and tonight they arrived to complete Adam’s brain implant; they had patiently waited years for this moment.
“It’s time!” E-1 thought.
“The subject is asleep, we will begin the procedure now.” thought E-2.
“Our Orbotic probe will execute the insertion,” thought E-1.
While Adam slept, the Orbotic probe, which resembled a glowing white orb the size of a basketball silently floated through his bedroom window without disturbing the curtains or breaking the glass and hovered at the foot of his bed. After about four seconds, the orb slowly floated to the left side of his head, dimmed its glow and stopped about 12 inches from it. The orb began the preparation for the insertion procedure. Both Entities observed the procedure hidden in their shimmering bubble. To E-1 and E-2 it was similar to watching a split screen monitor where two different events occurred simultaneously, however, this observation occurred in their brains.
The Orbotic probe, created by the Entities from a collection of plasmatic energy, has no mass and is capable of shrinking to the size of an atom, or expanding to the size of a large bus. It can penetrate any solid surface without damaging it. At the atomic level of solid matter, there’s space between the atoms that make up its composition. Since plasmatic energy doesn’t have mass it can squeeze between atoms of any solid object. The Entities created the Orbotic probe to be autonomous, capable of making split decisions on its own without the need of additional instructions from the Entities. The probe will complete any given task with efficiency and accuracy. It can create instruments and tools for any procedure instantly by rearranging atoms, and then quickly disassembles the atoms and neatly storing them away for their next assignment.
A quick green flash from the Orb rendered Adam completely paralyzed – this was to ensure he would not wake up during the procedure. The green flash was effective even when the subjects were already asleep or had their eyes closed. The energy from the flash penetrated the subjects’ craniums, affecting their brains. To human beings the green flash would be the equivalent of a very powerful anesthesia.
As the Orb quietly hovered next to Adam’s head it began to extend a thin silvery light beam; slowly the light beam extended longer and longer until it made contact and penetrated the temple area of Adam’s head. Sliding between the atoms of brain tissue, the thin silvery light beam quickly navigated to the correct spot in his brain, where it deposited the microscopic crystal, which it created. Immediately after the insertion, the crystal began to grow roots that attached to the appropriate areas of his brain; the crystal would allow more advanced monitoring and communications with Adam. The Orb completed the procedure flawlessly and quickly. Normally, when a subject wakes up, the Orb and Entities would be gone, and the subject would be oblivious to any brain procedure; however, for some reason unknown to the Entities Adam slowly opened his eyes.
“He opened his eyes.” E-2 urgently thought, “Shall we flash again?” Having never experienced this before, the Entities were concerned; they didn’t want Adam to be shocked at what was happening to him. “Let’s wait. He may close his eyes again. Besides he should be paralyzed,” E-1 thought.
Oblivious to the Orb and the procedure it was performing, Adam was only aware that the light in his room was still on. Wanting to turn the light off he tried to get out of bed but he realized he was unable to move and paralyzed from his neck down. Not understanding why, he began to panic and with all his strength, he tried to wiggle and move his arms and legs. “What the hell is wrong with me?” he thought. He continued to struggle but still was unable to move. He felt as if everything from his neck down was gone. “I know I am awake, or am I still asleep?” He began to panic and tried to scream for help, “ah – ah - ah,” was the only sound audible, it was hardly a whimper.
His eyes frantically darted around the room as he kept thinking, “I must be having a bad dream. ‘WAKE-UP!’” he thought as he tried to shake his head back and forth in an effort to snap out of his paralysis. In his peripheral vision, Adam noticed a glowing obje
ct that hovered next to his head. The object was circular about 10 inches in diameter and it didn’t appear to have a solid surface. It had a strange shimmer and looked as if it was melting. He had the distinct sensation there was some sort of skinny silver tentacle extending from it and somehow connected to the left side of his head. Adam tried to scream, “Ahaaaaaaa!” A faint whimper was the only sound heard. His mind was freaking out. “What the hell is this thing?” He thought as he struggled to move. “What’s it doing to my head?”